NoSQL utility: frametable

Visual aid for table editing.

Usage: frametable [options]

    --unframe (-u)
      Remove visual frame as opposed to inserting it.

    --reframe (-r)
      Assume input is already framed and must be re-framed.

    --no-paging (-n)
      Assume an infinite length output page (the default no. of
      rows is read from current terminal settings, see 'prtable').

    --quiet (-q)
      Do not print error messages to stderr.

    --edit (-e)
      Used by the 'edittable' utility.

    --hush (-H)
      Do not print anything to stdout.

    --help (-h)
      Display this help text.


This is mainly a visual aid to help when editing a NoSQL table with the
'edittable' command. Input must not contain '|' characters, as these
are used for framing. If any such characters are found in input, beside
the framing ones, the program will rise an error.

If any errors are detected, then an error message is shown for a couple
of seconds and then the input data is passed along unchanged.